Expert Groups

Members of the DGSA can form Expert Groups that are working in different thematic areas, which meet the targets of the DGSA in promoting social work. A group of five members can apply at the Board to become an Expert Group of the DGSA. Currently, there are 14 Expert Groups in the DGSA:


Adressees, Users and (Non-)Use of Social Work


Movement, Sport and Body


Case Management


Case management is an approach to social work whereby the social worker provides support and advice tailored to clients’ specific needs, collaborating with clients to organise and arrange the services that meet their requirements best. Case management also seeks to ensure that services are efficiently managed as part of a whole system of provisions as well as in individual areas of the social services and healthcare sectors. The approach originated in social work but is now also practised in other professions, such as nursing. To ensure that case management in the sense of social work continues to develop as an approach in the German-speaking countries, it is important to maintain a professional dialogue, examining the challenges and potentials it provides. The Expert Group Case Management in social work brings together the Expert Group activities of the German Association for Care and Case Management (DGCC) and the German Association of Social Work (DGSA). Both Expert Groups have joined forces in order to combine and enhance their discussions and promote case management in the sense of social work.

International Social Work


International perspectives on and of social work gain more and more importance in the context of growing globally and transnationally oriented commitments of the profession. Not only does social work take part in the global socio-political and economic discourses, it has as well to guarantee the professions’ standards in regard of the diverse (postcolonial) developments in the Global North and the Global South. Meeting the foci of the members of the Expert Group International Social Work, transnational, European as well as comparative perspectives are taken into regard.

Ethics and Social Work




Support of Doctorate- or PhD students



Flight, Migration, Critique of Anti-Semitism and Racism





Social Economy


The Expert Group Social Economy deals with the theory and the management of social services, the organization of social care and the economics of social work on a micro and macro level. The group discusses the different forms of social economy, especially entrepreneurships, organisations and associations in the society to promote individual and common well-being. Problems of general social provisions and the interaction of the participants in this field will be treated. Socio-economic studies in relation to the science of social work are under consideration in the meetings of the Expert Group.

Social Work and Digitalisation


Social Work Education


 focuses on the teaching of social work courses at university level. It is dedicated to developing methodological and didactic aspects of teaching, incorporating scientific theory and models of social work practice into curricula, and developing professional identity. The following overarching themes are of particular importance:

  • Selecting, prioritising and positioning of relevant theories and models of social work practice (both for the discipline and the profession of social work) in modules and courses
  • Addressing overlaps with related fields
  • The development of innovative, problem-oriented methodological and didactic approaches to social work theory that respond to heterogeneous participant requirements
  • Integration and reflection on practical and vocational elements
  • Skills-based assessment formats

The Expert Group meets every November and after the DGSA’s Annual Conferences. If you would like to take part or wish to be invited, please contact the chairpersons of the Expert Group.




The Expert Group Gender emerged from a national network of gender researchers in various disciplines, working on social work courses at universities and other training institutions. The network was initiated in 2000. Since then the members have convened twice a year at all-day meetings at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. In 2011, the network was officially recognised as a DGSA Expert Group. The group serves as a forum for discussion of developments in gender research, gender equality policies, and the relationship between social work and gender issues in teaching and higher education. The forum is open to interested researchers working in universities and other institutions involved in social work.

Socio-ecological Transformation and Climate Justice in Social Work

Contact person:   

Social Work in the Contexts of Age(ing)
