Case management is a user-centred approach to social work whereby people receive care and support tailored to their individual needs. Within the framework of (care) systems work and social space work, care and support services are organized and arranged with people in line with their wishes. As far as possible, case managers adapt social work processes to the user’s needs. Though it originated in social work, case management is now practised in many other professions, such as nursing.
The Expert Group for Case Management combines the expert group activities of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Care und Case Management (German Association of Care and Case Management, DGCC) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit (German Association of Social Work, DGSA). Our goal is to promote the discipline-specific development of case management in the field of social work in the German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). This involves addressing and discussing the potential and challenges associated with the case management approach. We are in constant dialogue with equivalent expert groups in Austria (OGSA) and Switzerland (Netzwerk CM). We organise conferences, write position papers and work together on publications.