For some years now, there has been growing public and political interest in the circumstances facing older people as well as the challenges and potential of ageing and old age. These themes have also become more important for social work as a discipline and profession. Yet here in Germany, there continues to be a lack both of theoretical foundations and categorisations and of empirical data on social work with older and old people.
The Expert Group for Social Work in the Contexts of Old Age and Ageing therefore seeks to address, explore and critically reflect on issues related to old age and ageing from the disciplinary and professional perspective of social work. Our approach examines fundamentals and integrates all fields of action, but it is also original.
Our project- and publication-oriented work promotes the professional discussion of social work in the context of old age and ageing – both within the expert group and beyond.
Previous and future projects include working together to develop position papers and statements, bibliographies, research topics and projects, publications, conferences and partnerships with the committees of other associations connected to social work in the contexts of old age and ageing.
The expert group meets several times a year: once in autumn, once as part of the DGSA’s Annual Conference, and as required. New members are warmly welcome. Please contact our spokespersons if you are interested in participating.