About us

The main activities of the DGSA are carried out in the Expert Committees and Expert Groups of the association. Currently, there are four Expert Committees and nine Expert Groups. Beyond this, there are several activities of publication, official statements to public issues that are relevant for social work.

Image brochure

To gain information about the DGSA and its aims and organisational structure, please download our image brochure.

DGSA position paper "Appeal for global solidarity and the safeguarding of the right to asylum"

This DGSA position paper is a translated version of the German DGSA position paper "Für eine solidarische Gesellschaft und den Erhalt des Rechts auf Asyl" that has been directed to the German government, and the public and professional discourse in July 2018. It argues for the need to continue to regard flight and asylum as a humanitarian tasks in Germany and the EU, the need to revive the values of global solidarity, and the safeguarding of the right to asylum in the current debates. The translated version is directed to international readers and has been sent to different international social work and human rights organisations.

Position paper

Core Curriculum for Social Work Studies

Between 2014 and 2016, the DGSA has formulated a “Core Curriculum for Social Work Studies” through a two-year process of consultation. This document provides a reference for the identification of the main curricular contents for social work studies in higher education.

It was developed and published in response to the degree diversification prompted by the Bologna reform. It is intended to serve as a framework, broadly regulating the study content covered by social work degree programmes.

For further information, please refer to the DGSA Core Curriculum for Social Work Studies

Board members

The DGSA is governed by a board that is elected for two years. Currently, the following members are serving in the board:  





DGSA 25th anniversary

The DGSA celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2015. For this occasion a movie about the history, current debates and the future of the German Association of Social Work has been released. You can find the international version with English subtitles here.